Women & Money Myths

History has instilled a few myths about money into woman's brains. We need to get over these myths in order to secure our financial futures.

Financial planning is difficult and complicated.

You thought riding a bike was difficult when you were five right? Financial planning is a learning process. With the right teacher and the right tools you'll be a stock market genious in no time. (Please read our legal disclaimer though!) Financial planning is easy if you take it step by step.

It's selfish to take care of myself first.

This is a real problem in many areas of women's lives. We have to learn that in order to take care of everyone else, we must first take care of ourselves. It's not selfish, it's smart.

If I take risks I could lose everything.

If you take risks without knowing what you are getting into, yes you could lose everything. You need to evaluate your risk level and invest in what you are comfortable with. But only after you have fully researched the prospect. We will show you how to evaluate your risk level before you even think of investing in something.

He'll take care of it for me.

There are two words that need to be said on this topic: divorce and death. They happen and they can happen to you and your spouse. You need to be prepared and be able to take care of yourself. Even if your husband is perfectly willing to make sure you are taken care of, and you are willing to let him, make sure you know the basics of keeping a budget, balancing a checkbook and paying bills. You should have your own financial portfolio for retirement also.

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